
Public Comment – Local Expansion of Diploma Options for Students with Disabilities

NYS Allies for Public Education strongly supports the December 2017 Emergency Regulation adopted by the Board of Regents in December which allows a “Superintendent Determination” for graduation with a local diploma for students with disabilities.While the emergency regulation has some language for the new “Superintendent Determination” to be retroactive, we strongly recommend this diploma option…

useful source www.chicasenred.me

Contact the Albany leadership to pass and enact legislation which will begin to repair public education and our trust in our elected officials.

We are calling on New Yorkers to Take Action Today and contact the Albany leadership to pass and enact legislation which will begin to repair public education and our trust in our elected officials. Summary of legislation:A10056 – Brindisi & S7462 – Griffo: restores local control and repeals receivership law.  A10057A – Brindisi & S7463 – Griffo:  removes the…


New York Parents Tired of Compromises: Vow to Continue Test Boycott; Encourage School Districts to Focus on Proven Best Practices, Rise Above Ed Bureaucracy

By adopting putatively “new” standards and approving an ESSA plan that does little to move away from the test-based accountability that spurred hundreds of thousands of New York’s families to create and sustain the state’s historic opt out movement, the New York State Education Department and Board of Regents have effectively signaled that parents, educators, and school board members who value child-centered education must forge their own path toward that vision.



Commissioner Elia recently distributed a “toolkit” on the 2017 New York State tests in grades 3-8 to NYS school superintendents and administrators. Commissioner Elia has suggested that school administrators utilize the content of this toolkit to communicate with parents and garner their support for the NYS testing program. We are concerned that while the document…


New Yorkers Call on the Board of Regents to Remove Commissioner MaryEllen Elia for Failure to Protect Children

For the past five years, hundreds of thousands of parents, from every corner of New York State, have called for meaningful changes to our damaging test-and-punish accountability system, resulting in the largest opt out movement in the nation. When MaryEllen Elia replaced embattled former Commissioner John King as NYS Education Commissioner two years ago, New…


New York’s Largest Grassroots Education Advocacy Organizations Join Forces to Urge Parents to Opt Out of NYS Common Core State Tests

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  March 20, 2017More information contact:Lisa Rudley (917) 414-9190; nys.allies@gmail.comNYS Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE) www.nysape.org  New York’s Largest Grassroots Education Advocacy Organizations Join Forces to Urge Parents to Opt Out of NYS Common Core State Tests  Across the state, grassroots education advocacy organizations including New York State Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE), Long Island Opt Out, New York…


Take action to support our otl in New York’s ESSA plan

Dear Allies
Please Take Actionby URGING Commissioner MaryEllen Elia and the Board of Regents to include our Opportunity to Learn Index as the school quality indicator in the new state Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) accountability system. ESSA requires states to rate schools on academic factors such as test scores and graduation rates, but also to include a nonacademic school quality, or student success factor, of their choice in the system. Please TAKE ACTION HERE.


Follow up to meeting with NYSAPE and Class Size Matters – Student Data Privacy Regulations

March 14, 2017  Re: Follow up to meeting with NYSAPE and Class Size Matters – Student Data Privacy Regulations Dear Beth, Alison and Temitope: We appreciate that you took the time to meet with us in New York City on March 1 and listen to our concerns about the need to make real progress in protecting student data…