We are calling on New Yorkers to Take Action Today and contact the Albany leadership to pass and enact legislation which will begin to repair public education and our trust in our elected officials.
Summary of legislation:
A10056 – Brindisi & S7462 – Griffo: restores local control and repeals receivership law.
A10057A – Brindisi & S7463 – Griffo: removes the financial penalty for school districts if their teacher/principal evaluation plans are not in place by this fall, decouples students tests scores from teacher evaluations, AND requires an expert committee to develop a research-based teacher/principal evaluation plan.
(Senator Griffo’s version, S7463 is expected to be amended to remove the financial penalty language)
A09461 – Paulin & S7632 – Serino: removes the financial penalty for school districts if their teacher/principal evaluation plans are not in place by this fall, AND requires an expert committee to develop a research-based teacher/principal evaluation plan.
Summary of legislation:
A10056 – Brindisi & S7462 – Griffo: restores local control and repeals receivership law.
A10057A – Brindisi & S7463 – Griffo: removes the financial penalty for school districts if their teacher/principal evaluation plans are not in place by this fall, decouples students tests scores from teacher evaluations, AND requires an expert committee to develop a research-based teacher/principal evaluation plan.
(Senator Griffo’s version, S7463 is expected to be amended to remove the financial penalty language)
A09461 – Paulin & S7632 – Serino: removes the financial penalty for school districts if their teacher/principal evaluation plans are not in place by this fall, AND requires an expert committee to develop a research-based teacher/principal evaluation plan.
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