NYS Education Policy
The current teacher evaluation law dates back to 2015 when Gov. Andrew Cuomo backed a plan in which state test scores could count for as much as half of an educator’s evaluation. Though the law technically remains on the books, the state’s Board of Regents passed a moratorium on the use of grades 3-8 math and English test scores in teacher evaluations. Without further action, the moratorium will expire in 2019.
A new bill was introduced and passed by both the State Assembly and the State Senate:
–When the moratorium expires in 2019, districts will no longer be FORCED to use the NYS 3-8 assessments for APPR.
–The wording states that districts will not be required, to use the assessments. BUT, districts MUST USE SOMETHING (from an approved list by NYS), a test/average of tests to satisfy the 50% of the teacher evaluation score.
–The NYS Assessments grades 3-8 will still be REQUIRED since this is part of ESSA federal accountability.