Process to Apply for Board of Regents Position

1.  In order to apply for a position, submit a resume and cover letter to the Assembly Education and Higher Education Committees by mid-January 2016.  Email to Steven McCutcheon, Assembly Program and Counsel Staff at  Or you can apply by clicking on this online application.

2.  If you would like to be considered for endorsement by NYSAPE and Opt Out CNY, submit the “Board of Regents Candidate Survey”.  See below for instructions on how to complete the survey.  

3.  Interviews will be conducted by the Chairs of the Assembly Education and Higher Education Committees: Catherine Nolan and Debra Glick in Albany in February 2016. 

NYSAPE “Board of Regents Candidate” Survey
Please complete the following survey questions if you are seeking an endorsement from NYS Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE) and any applicable regional groups. Please copy survey questions in a word document or download below document and complete.  Please email completed survey with your resume to ASAP. 
(Remember to also send your resume and cover letter to Steven McCutcheon. See above for more details.) Thanks!

1.  What has been your experience with public education?
2.  Do you consider yourself accountable to the parents of NYS? How will you inform yourself of parent concerns and ideas?
3.  Do you support a parental right of notification and consent regarding the collection and sharing of personally identifiable student information with third party vendors?
4.  Do you support an independent study of the Common Core Learning Standards by a panel of NY education practitioners and developmental psychology experts, as well as a study of the costs of the curriculum, exams and tests?
5.  Describe your idea of appropriate length and format for the state standardized exams for children in grades 3-8.
6. Do you support the right of parents to decide whether their children will participate in the NY State standardized exams?  
7.  How will you ensure that students with disabilities, many of whom are not able to pass a Common Core-aligned Regents exam, even at a modified passing score, are able to receive a diploma?
8.  Please add anything else you would like to explain about your background and why you would like to become a member of the Board of Regents.

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