
Strong, Collaborative Leadership A Must for the Board of Regents to Steer NY Education on the Right Path

NYS Allies for Public Education and organizations across the state stand firmly behind Dr. Betty Rosa for Chancellor of the NYS Board of Regents and Regent Beverly Ouderkirk for Vice Chancellor. (See list of organizations below)

useful source www.chicasenred.me

Letter to NYSED & Board of Regents & action alert – ​data privacy threats – funded by gates foundation to collect & store NY Student data

January 8, 2016To Commissioner Elia and the Board of Regents: It has come to our attention that the Board of Regents recently approved a new grant from the Gates Foundation forthe Regents Research Fund, “to support NYS to launch, execute and utilize implementation data collection at the state level.”iWe have many questions as to the…


NYSAPE REsponse to USDOE on Penalties for Opt out – by jeanette deutermann, founder – long island opt & nysape

January 5, 201!s. Ann “#alen, Senior Ad$isor %.S. &epart’ent of Education(00 !aryland A$enue, S”“as#ington, &) 20201&ear !s. “#alen * %S &epart’ent of Education, Please allow us, the parents, to respond to your latest threats towards our school districts, school officials, educators, and children. Every school district and school official in NY offered the State assessments to…


Process to Apply for Board of Regents Position

Process to Apply for Board of Regents Position 1.  In order to apply for a position, submit a resume and cover letter to the Assembly Education and Higher Education Committees by mid-January 2016.  Email to Steven McCutcheon, Assembly Program and Counsel Staff at mccutcheons@assembly.state.ny.us.  Or you can apply by clicking on this online application. 2….